
The LRC Lab is an interdisciplinary team of researchers from various backgrounds, including computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and telecommunications engineering.

Each member of the LRC lab is trained to use computational approaches to address research questions relating to computer networks. We are an interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, software developers, and engineers with expertise in wireless and optical networks, federated learning, edge computing, 5G and 6G networks, blockchain, and machine learning explainability for routing and MAC protocols. We are passionate about exploring the latest advancements in networking technologies and their applications.

We constantly seek new members to join our team, including undergraduate and postgraduate students and post-docs from various backgrounds. If you are interested in joining our lab, we suggest the following resources:

  • Explore online resources like IEEE and ACM to find relevant papers and conference proceedings.

  • Learn programming languages such as Python, C++, and Java for coding network protocols and algorithms.

  • Get familiar with software development tools such as Github and Docker.

  • Take courses or get hands-on experience in wireless networks, optical networks, machine learning, and blockchain.

  • Participate in hackathons or coding competitions related to networking and communication systems.

  • Have some knowledge of network simulation tools such as NS-3 and OMNeT++.

Join our lab to participate in research projects and develop your skills further.We believe that an interdisciplinary approach is key to advancing the field of computer networks, and we welcome students and researchers with different backgrounds to join our team.

PhD and Master students

Suppose you wish to join the LRC Lab as a Ph.D. or Master’s student. In that case, you must first gain acceptance to the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) postgraduate program and choose the (AC) Computing Systems Area.

Additionally, we highly recommend reaching out to the professors directly via email to inquire about available opportunities. It’s best to contact professors whose research aligns with your interests to explore potential collaborations and projects.

We are affiliated with several programs, including Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Engineering. We can also take students from other programs if the student is a good fit for the LRC Lab. Please note that we cannot accept students directly before acceptance to UNICAMP. If you are interested in joining the LRC Lab, we encourage you to apply to the postgraduate program at IC and contact us to discuss potential research opportunities. We look forward to hearing from you!