
URL: WiMAX ns2

The Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) is a popular discrete event simulator target at networking research. This tool can suport simulation of TCP, routing, and MAC protocols over wired and wireless networks. Although it's possible to simulate wireless local area network (IEEE 802.11), ad hoc networks and satellites networks, ns does not provide a WiMAX module. This project implements a WiMAX module based on the IEEE 802.16 standard for the ns-2 simulator, release 2.28. The focus of this implementation is the MAC layer and its mechanisms for bandwidth allocation and QoS support. The module implements the 802.16 five service flow types and their bandwidth request/grant mechanisms; moreover, it allows users to configure the QoS requirements of applications. Service flows are modeled by finite sate machines that capture how each service type react to different events. This module supports TDD mode and PMP topology. The wireless channel available in the ns-2 simulator is used. The module design was based on a module designed to simulate the DOCSIS standard. Although code reuse was possible, several modifications in the DOCSIS module code were necessary to make it compliant to the IEEE 802.16 standard.

Team members:

Juliana Freitag Borin, Nelson L.S. da Fonseca

Source code:
1. Borin, J. F., & da Fonseca, N. L. (2008). Simulator for WiMAX networks. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 16(7), 817-833.


It is a simple simulator written in Java that allows the simulation of Grooming/RWA scenarios in single/multi-hop Optical WDM networks. Its main advantage is the simplified interface for the introduction of new algorithms.

Team members:

André Drummond, Nelson L.S. da Fonseca

Source code:
1. Drummond, A. C., da Fonseca, N. L., & Devetsikiotis, M. (2004, November). A comparison of measurement-based equivalent bandwidth estimators. In IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Workshops, 2004. GlobeCom Workshops 2004. (pp. 320-326). IEEE.

URL: FlexGridSim

FlexGridSim is a discrete event Flexible Grid Optical Network Simulator (Elastic Optical Network), based on the WDMSim. It is a simple simulator written in Java that allows the simulation of routing and spectrum scenarios in single/multi-hop Optical FlexGrid/EON networks. Its main advantage is the simplified interface for the introduction of new algorithms.

Team members:

Pedro Moura, Nelson L.S. da Fonseca

Source code:
1. Moura, P. M., & da Fonseca, N. L. (2021). Multipath routing in elastic optical networks with space-division multiplexing. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59(10), 64-69.
2. Moura, P. M., & Da Fonseca, N. L. (2018). Routing, core, modulation level, and spectrum assignment based on image processing algorithms. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 10(12), 947-958.


The OFSwitch13 module enhances the ns-3 Network Simulator with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) support. Despite the fact that the ns-3 already has a module for simulating OpenFlow switches, it provides a very outdated protocol implementation (OpenFlow version 0.8.9, from 2008). Alternatively, OFSwitch13 supports OpenFlow protocol version 1.3, bringing both a switch device and a controller application interface to the ns-3 simulator, as depicted in the figure below. With OFSwitch13, it is possible to interconnect ns-3 nodes to send and receive traffic using the existing CSMA and virtual network devices. The controller application interface can be extended to implement any desired control logic to orchestrate the network. The communication between the controller and the switch is realized over standard ns-3 protocol stack, devices and channels. The OFSwitch13 module relies on the external BOFUSS library for OFSwitch13. This library provides the switch datapath implementation, the support for converting OpenFlow messages to/from wire format, and the dpctl utility tool for configuring the switch from the command line.

Team members:

Luciano Jerez Chaves, Vítor Marge Eichemberger, Islene Calciolari Garcia, Arthur Boeacht Mazzi

Source code:
1. Chaves, L. J., Garcia, I. C., & Madeira, E. R. M. (2017, November). An adaptive mechanism for LTE P-GW virtualization using SDN and NFV. In 2017 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
2. Chaves, L. J., Garcia, I. C., & Madeira, E. R. M. (2016, June). Ofswitch13: Enhancing ns-3 with openflow 1.3 support. In Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on ns-3 (pp. 33-40).